Elevate your Startup: Building Founder Success, Company Growth and Shareholder Value

Elevate your startup: Building founder success, company growth and shareholder value.

Kicking into 2024 with a new virtual coffee with me to discuss pretty much anything business, startup, founder, scaleup related.

This week we talk to a racing car manufacturer, Discover PERRINN — 424 Record Breaking Product and their 424 electric hypercar and how they want to break the Nurburgring record currently held by Porsche. Will also be speaking to a sexual health product company, Japanese food company in London, UK, an investor in the Mobility Tech space, the streaming company HULU and many other people. If this goes well then I expect to do another one in the coming future, all for the price of a coffee.

Details can be found at www.TheGrumpyEntrepreneur.co.uk



David Murray-Hundley The Grumpy Entrepreneur

Linkedin European Business Leader of the Year.Part of Commerce One $22bn IPO.Chairman of MyCarDirect, AAM Group and The Bunch. Founder Pario Ventures